Diagnosis for Grown Ups (Maybe)
Alarms are going off. Maybe someone says something and you brush it off. At first. Maybe you see a character
Alarms are going off. Maybe someone says something and you brush it off. At first. Maybe you see a character
Here’s the story: A Nobel Prize winning scientist commented that “Three things happen when they [women] are in the lab:
Okay, so I’ve disappeared into the Book Cave again 🙂 I’m editing the sequel to Total Blueprint for World Domination (Unlock
I’m scared of whales. Their tiny eyes, their flappy tales. It’s the size, the sound, the whole shabang. That’s right:
This is it. 2012. Start now. Kick off your dream world. Make BIG plans (in 12 months you’ll be glad
We do things everyday that people used to think were impossible. Today’s crazy is tomorrow’s normal. Be crazy – change
There comes a time when you just have to zip it and zoom! Zip your “I wish I could”s
I believe there’s a perfect world for everyone. That we can define exactly what we want, and we can make
Film maker Robert Rodriguez writes, shoots, cuts, and scores. His movies are blunt-smart, kick ass, and have an undeniable rhythm.
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