Does This Candy Make Me Look Autistic?

22 April is Jellybean Day. Any excuse to talk candy! A friend sent me an article about a late-diagnosed Autistic, and this part jumped out at me: “Emma’s childhood was marked by odd behaviours that concerned her mother, but were dismissed by the family doctor as “quirkiness”. If she had a packet of lollies, she felt compelled to divide them by colour before she could eat them.” Huh. It still gets me when things like this happen, and I am reminded that I didn’t ‘become’ Autistic. I was always Autistic. Always. I was diagnosed as a grown up. Way past the point where I could change the direction of my life, but perfectly timed to changed the way I saw it. When I wrote The Jelly Bean Crisis I didn’t know I was Autistic. But I still based an entire book on the concept of ordering your candy by colour and flavour. (That book alone could probably have secured me a diagnosis!) Isn’t it cool that you are exactly who you are? And that your job is just to figure it out, stop fighting it, and maybe even embrace it? All while eating candy in the perfect order for you 🙂
Disclaimer: this image is stock. I do not recommend or endorse this candy organisation method. But your candy? Your call.

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