1. I’m a fainter. The first time was hearing the crucifixion story at age five, the most recent? At a friend’s sonogram.
2. I’ve never broken a bone.
3.I’ve never been drunk.
4.I was signed by a New York literary agent – and she found my book in the slush pile. #itcanhappen
5.I completed my degree extramurally.
6.I spent a year as a video shop clerk with a six-a-day movie habit.
7.I was asked to be an expert for Girlfriend Magazine Australia after the editor read my book Total Blueprint for World Domination.
8. Fruit (eating / smelling / looking at etc.) makes me sick.
9.I’ve had laser eye surgery to correct myopia (no more glasses!)
10.This month, my book The Jelly Bean Crisis will be in bookshops all over New Zealand. OMG.
Everything is possible!