I believe there’s a perfect world for everyone. That we can define exactly what we want, and we can make it happen. Bring on world domination!
My perfect world includes:
A happy family
Abundance (Writing for a living! Food! Fizzy drinks! Happiness!)
How about you? Do you have a dream you can share?
Do you feel confident you can create it?
Keep kicking ass!
7 Responses
@LatteJunkie – Ooh, write the book! You could even blog it 🙂 And bottomless barista coffee? Awesome! (We’ll make mine hot chocolate :))
@E.C Smith – I love what you’ve added! It’s so important to appreciate good health 🙂 Fingers crossed for your publishing deal (times two!)
@Ruth – Yay, love your list! Time is a great idea! (The maid and cook will help with that one :))
@Raising Marshmallows – OMG! Love love love. You can never ask too much! Actually, while we’re at it, throw in a maid / cleaner like @Ruth – someone has to clean off all the cartwheel-prints 🙂
@Steph – You’re so right 🙂 Your health means everything when you don’t have it – but it’s easily taken for granted when you do… much like a happy family and a solid internet connection!!!!
@Nicole – I can’t wait to see your movie! (I’ll settle for your TV series to start with :)) Woohoo!
Yes, but I’ll only share three. lol.
Financial Stability
Completing a Feature Film
Do I feel confident I can create it? Well, strangely, I do feel more confident about the feature film 🙂
The Madlab Post
Great post! So many people srtive to achieve riches.. I feel that as long as I have my health then I will be happy! When your health goes, you will feel stupid for ever worrying about money! The way I see it, all I need is enough money to have a good meal and internet subscription!
I already have a happy healthy family so I’m going with an oversized walk-in closet and a bathroom I can do cartwheels in.
I really don’t think it’s asking too much.
I’ll play!
Happy family
Lots of time to write and play with my kids
Many warm summer days
Opportunities to see new places
A maid and cook
Oh, man. . .good question!
A happy. healthy family?–Definitely.
Time to travel?–Absolutely!
To be published in a couple of different genres–oh, please, please please! (:
I want to write a children’s book. I don’t know how to make it happen so I will keep blogging instead 🙂
Can my world have bottomless barista coffee in it too?